Thursday, July 11, 2013

Web Marketing: Pay Per Click Ads vs. Facebook Ads | Affiliate Help

Alicia LawrenceAre you considering how to utilize your web-based advertising budget? If so, you?re likely debating the potential value of investing in the various advertising spaces that the Internet offers. In particular, two popular types of web-based advertising come in the form of Pay Per Click ads and Facebook ads.


While Pay Per Click ads and Facebook ads operate on a similar principal, they each have unique advantages and disadvantages that can affect their value within your specific campaign. Below is a comparison of these two types of web ads and their characteristics:




Facebook Ads are one of the most efficient means for reaching your target market. Given Facebook?s large contingency and its readily available demographic information, this social media platform is one of the most sought after ad spaces on the web. Facebook makes it possible for advertisers to purchase ads that will specifically target their desired target market.


One of the greatest advantages of Facebook?s popular advertising system is the fact that it relies on feedback and information that your customers have already voluntarily submitted. Upon creating a profile, most Facebook users share their location, backgrounds and interests. This information serves as a pool from which you can draw data and pinpoint your desired segment of the market. From there, you can design and submit ads that will reach people with a stated interest in your products and services.




Facebook?s advertising platform features two categories of advertisements: marketplace ads and sponsored stories. Marketplace ads are standard advertisements that can be designed to drive traffic to your site, Facebook page or application. These traditional ads allow you to write the ad copy and choose an image, making them an efficient means for promoting products and events.


Facebook?s Sponsored Stories offer a more social style of advertising that attracts customers by providing evidence of social support. These advertisements display the fact that a target individual?s friend has in some way interacted with the company paying for the ad service. Examples include that the person liked their page, liked one of their posts or attended an event. This ?friend of a friend? style of advertising promotes social interaction with your company and helps to build customer rapport.




As they are based on the behavior of individuals, PPC ads operate in a similar fashion to Facebook ads. For instance, a person searching for an SEO company online may see ads offering suggestions for particular SEO services. These ads appear among the actual results of your search, as search engines like Google and Bing sell listings to various businesses. From the perspective of the customer, these search results are both relevant and helpful as they match their desired search criteria.


From the perspective of the businesses purchasing the ads, clicks send potential customers to their websites. These ads are a means for them to direct web users toward their products and convert them into sales. Purchasing ad space within search results for particular keywords is a way to guarantee that interested individuals learn about your products and services.




When your products or services have a very specific target market, Facebook Ads are an excellent way to reach a desired demographic. For instance, if your brand targets youth in a particular area, you can create ads for events that you are hosting in that location. Has your research found a correlation between a particular taste in music and your products? You can set up ads that target these individuals.


In this way, Facebook Ads are much stronger than advertisements aimed at the general public. Facebook?s platform allows you to reach an interested segment of the population and to address your current connections? friends. While Facebook ads may not directly promote sales (as the ads may only link to your Facebook page rather than to your sales website), these ads are an excellent tool for broadening your brand?s following and image.




The factor that dictates the value of pay per click advertising is the price for which you are able to purchase a particular keyword. For certain keywords you may be able to win the bidding war for a reasonable price. For keywords with high search rates, bidding often escalates to prices that can make profiting from your ads difficult.


The downside of PPC ads is that the cost for sending visitors to your site never decreases. If this price is low, then your potential profits are higher. If this price is too high, your profit margin suffers. When considering how much of your budget to invest in PPC ads, explore the prices for various keywords to determine whether or not there is room to make a profit.


Find Alicia on Google+

Alicia Lawrence is a content coordinator for a tech company and blogs about online PR in her free time.


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