Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Greylock Partners Accepting Second Hackfest Applications, Names ...

Last September, we reported that VC firm Greylock Partners was planning on having a second Hackfest after the first one was a rousing success.?The Greylock Hackfest will take place on July 27 at Airbnb?s office in San Francisco. The idea of this particular event is to bring a selected group of university students from around the world for a 24-hour hackathon. During the process, the students will be getting mentorship from some of Greylock?s partners and portfolio companies.

A new site, GreylockU, will be the host for all of the Hackfest information and the application. Additionally, students can submit their resumes for internships and full-time positions at Greylock?s more than 50 portfolio companies. By setting up this portal, Greylock hopes to feed its investments with the best and brightest talent from all over the globe.


The judges for this year?s Hackfest are: Greylock Partner and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, Airbnb Founder and CTO Nathan Blecharcyzk, Pure Storage CEO Scott Dietzen and Google Ventures Partner and Digg Founder Kevin Rose.

The opportunity to apply for the Hackfest coincides with the admission of winning teams from campus hackathons that have already taken place at colleges like Princeton, Cal, Stanford, UPenn, CMU and MIT. The deadline for submissions is July 3, and Greylock would like students to come into the process with teams already created.

Last year?s winners included Toaster.js, a hack involving power strip censors and controllers, linked to a physical device; Assassins, a cloud-based multi-player mobile game; and Dance, a multi-player dance game using optical recognition to spot faces and hands to score players.

Other than being crowned champion, winning teams can grab free Amazon Web Services, Lytro cameras, office hours and a personal dinner with Reid Hoffman and DJ Patil from Greylock.

Greylock Partners, Wikimart, Affinity Circles, University of California, Santa Cruz, LinkedIn, Color Labs Inc., University of Maryland, Zetawire, U.S. Department of Energy, eBay, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation

DJ Patil is the Chief Data Scientist at Greylock Partners. Previously he was the Chief Product Officer of Color Labs. He previously worked for LinkedIn as their Chief Scientist and Chief Security Officer and eBay as their Director of Strategy, Analytics, and Product. Prior to that he focused on National Security issues on Counter Terrorism and Bioweapons Proliferation Prevention. In the academic community he is best know for his work in numerical weather prediction.

? Learn more Revision3, ngmoco, Sofa Labs,, Google Ventures, i/o Ventures, Chomp, Google, Digg, Pownce, Milk, Wefollow, Six Apart

Kevin Rose is a Partner at [Google Ventures] (, where he primarily focuses on early-stage and seed investments. Prior to joining Google Ventures, Kevin co-founded Milk, a mobile application development company in San Francisco. Previously Kevin was the founder of Digg, and co-founder of Revision3, and Pownce (acquired by Six Apart). In addition, Rose is the founder of Foundation, a private newsletter and podcast, and formerly was co-host of the tech news podcast Diggnation.

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Nathan is the technical architect behind Airbnb. A pragmatist who translates vision and design into tangible product through fast iterations, Nathan uses data to identify and pursue high-growth opportunities. Under his leadership, the engineering team has developed a robust, secure marketplace which now facilitates a massive amount of commerce each day. Nathan got an early start in business and technology when he founded an online marketing company while still in high school. Since then he has worked a program manager...

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Scott Dietzen is currently CEO at Pure Storage. Prior to that, Dietzen was Interim SVP, Applications at Yahoo!, where he helped look after Yahoo! Mail, Messenger, Flickr, Answers, Groups, and Zimbra. He joined Yahoo with the acquisition of Web 2.0 open source messaging and collaboration startup Zimbra (now part of VMware), where he was president and CTO. Prior to Zimbra, Scott was CTO of BEA Systems where he helped look after the WebLogic product family, which drove the company...

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