Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Home She Made: Family Holiday Preparation

The car is all clean and packed and we are about to head away for a family holiday. Hubby doesn't have to return to work til mid February so we thought we'd take the chance to get off the farm and head to the beach. It certainly is a blessing having a swimming pool and an airconditioned home, as if not, I would have been itching to get to the coast?weeks ago.?

Whilst it is really nice to go with the flow and not have too many concrete plans for holidays, I like to be prepared and make a very rough outline for meals and a list of activities for our time away. I like to arrive at our self contained holiday accomodation knowing we have some supplies with us without having to rush off to the store and I find it much more budget friendly. Obviously we will be eating out or having takeaway a few times but not everyday or for every meal. Prior to leaving, I've stocked up on the follow items to take with us:

  • breakfast items - cereal; juice; coffee; tea; sugar?
  • fruit; salad?
  • kids share packs and juice boxes
  • crackers; biscuits; chips
  • BBQ meat and condiments
  • Picnic supplies - plates; cups; napkins etc?

I've also been baking and have made mini quiche; muffins and chocolate snowballs to take with us. We take a small esky with us for the frozen BBQ meat; quiches; muffins; salad and fruit.?

The little boys and I have also made a list of potential activities for us to do together whilst we away. Some of the ideas we came up with were:?

  • fish + chips at the beach?
  • indoor playground/play center?
  • picnic
  • play at the park?
  • milkshake dates
  • out for dinner
  • shop for school supplies?
  • beach scavenger hunt?

I have packed a small collection puzzles; games; colouring-in and DVD's for the boys too. I've tried to choose ones they've not played with for a while or are favourites that I know will hold their attention. We have also packed their scooters. I'm sure as they get older we will be taking their bikes but for now scooters are something they enjoy and bonus, they pack down small in the car.?

Very much looking forward to some family time away together and hope to have lots of lovely happy snaps to share with you soon.?


new hampshire primary hue jackson coachella 2012 line up lsu crimson tide crimson tide

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