Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sources: Israel bombed Iran forces in Syria

TEL AVIV ? Israeli fighter jets bombed targets in Syria and Lebanon that included weapons caches and senior members of the Iranian Quds Force, according to informed Middle East security sources.

Earlier, Beirut?s news agency claimed Israeli fighter jets conducted three separate aerial incursions into Lebanon?s airspace overnight, flying over the En Nakura area as well as the border village of Ramish.

But WND?s sources said the air strikes took place in Syria as well as Lebanon.

The Quds Force is an elite international operations unit within Iran?s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps tasked with exporting Iran?s Islamic revolution. It reports directly to Iran?s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Agence-France Presse quoted security sources today saying the Israeli air force bombed a weapons convoy just as it was crossing from Syria into Lebanon.

WND reported earlier today the Israeli navy intercepted a ship containing advanced weaponry destined for Lebanon, according to Middle Eastern security officials.

The officials said the weapons seizure took place three weeks ago and has been kept under wraps until now.

The officials said the ship flew a Qatari flag and was registered to a Qatari company. They said the ship contained advanced weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles.

Asked for comment, a spokeswoman for the Israel Defense Forces said the incident is ?not familiar? to the IDF.

The information of a purported seized weapons shipment comes amid foreign media reports that Israeli forces attacked a target on the Syrian-Lebanese border overnight believed to be a weapons convoy.

The alleged attack took place during a period of growing concern over the fate of Syrian chemical and conventional weapons.

A spokeswoman for the IDF refused to confirm or deny the report.

?We do not comment on reports of this kind,? she said.


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Some families to be priced out of health overhaul (The Arizona Republic)

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RealClearMarkets - 35% Is Way Too High For Corporate Taxes

If there's one policy agreement between Republicans and Democrats, it's that the 35% corporate tax rate in the United States should be reduced to 28% or 25%. The current rate, highest in the advanced industrial world, disincentivizes investment and encourages corporations to relocate overseas.

Unfortunately, the deficit is a major hurdle facing any proposal to reduce the corporate tax rate. Because of the fiscal pressures facing the government, most politicians recognize that any corporate tax rate cut must be paid for by eliminating tax preferences and "loopholes." But few politicians have identified enough revenue-raising measures to offset the cost of a significant reduction of the corporate tax rate-cutting the rate from 35% to 25% would cost roughly $1.2 trillion over ten years.

I believe that there is a sensible answer: a modest limit to the deductions that corporations claim for the interest they pay on their bonds and other debt.

Admittedly, interest deductions probably won't be the first target for politicians. Most likely, politicians will first take a close look at the myriad of provisions designed to benefit specific industries. For instance, the fiscal cliff deal extended tax benefits for car racing facilities, railroads, mining companies, and various alternative energy companies. Indeed, many of these preferences have highly suspect economic justifications; unfortunately, these special deals are too small for their repeal to raise a significant amount of revenue.

Politicians might then turn to some of the larger tax preferences that corporations enjoy, collectively known as "tax expenditures." However, they will likely find it unwise, or politically infeasible, to repeal any of these large tax expenditures, such as accelerated depreciation or the research and development credit. Most Democrats and Republicans view these policies as being essential to economic growth. In any case, the bipartisan Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated that the elimination of virtually all corporate tax expenditures would not be sufficient to reduce the corporate tax rate to 25%.

Another approach would be to change how the U.S. taxes the foreign profits of U.S. corporations. Currently, U.S. corporations can avoid paying U.S. tax on foreign profits so long as they keep those profits overseas. Congress could raise a significant amount of revenue if it required U.S. corporations to immediately pay U.S. taxes on their foreign profits-beyond the foreign taxes that they already pay. However, this change would make our corporate tax system even more out of step with the rest of the world; most foreign countries require corporations to pay tax only on profits that were earned in that country (with exceptions designed to prevent abusive tax-shifting).

Thus, if policymakers are serious about reducing the corporate tax rate, they will need to consider other revenue-raising measures. To merit serious consideration, such reforms should offer the potential for meaningful new revenue, and they should also make sense from a policy standpoint.

My proposed limits to interest deductions (which I call the "interest cap") would meet both criteria. Currently, corporations may fully deduct the interest they pay on their bonds and other forms of debt. This deduction costs the Treasury a significant amount of money, and encourages corporations to take on too much debt, increasing the fragility of the economy.

Using data from 2000 to 2009 (the most recent available), I estimate that a 65% cap on deductions for gross interest would have paid for a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% over those ten years. In other words, corporations would be able to deduct 65% of their gross interest expense, rather than 100%; from 2000 to 2009, this modest restriction would have been enough to finance the entire rate reduction to 25%.

My proposed "interest cap" would also reduce a significant distortion in the tax code. Currently, if a corporation finances an investment with debt, it can deduct the interest that it pays on that debt. If a corporation finances an investment by issuing new shares of stock, or by using money in the bank, there is no equivalent deduction. As a result, the tax code effectively encourages corporations to load up on debt. This makes companies more vulnerable to downturns-exposing their employees to a greater risk of layoffs and prolonging recessions in the broader economy.

I acknowledge that the treatment of financial institutions under my proposal is a tricky issue. Financial institutions typically borrow significant amounts of money in their daily operations. On the one hand, a vibrant financial sector is a critical component of a healthy, growing economy, and the "interest cap" could constrain these daily operations. On the other hand, excess debt within the financial sector can be especially damaging, as it has the potential to increase the severity of financial crises.

To balance these competing demands, my proposal would apply the interest cap to financial institutions, but at a lower rate. They would be allowed to deduct 79% of their interest expense-less than the 100% that they may deduct currently, but more than the 65% that nonfinancial corporations could deduct.

Undoubtedly, certain debt-intensive industries will lobby against my proposed cap on interest deductions. But policymakers should resist such pressure: any revenue-neutral tax reform must necessarily create winners and losers. Instead, policymakers should focus on setting the stage for broad-based economic growth-by reducing the distortions in favor of debt-finance, and by bringing our corporate tax rate in line with the rest of the world.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Simulations' Achille's heel

Jan. 29, 2013 ? What can go wrong when computer simulations are applied outside their original context? In an article about to be published in EPJ Plus, Daan Frenkel from the University of Cambridge, UK, outlines the many pitfalls associated with simulation methods such as Monte Carlo algorithms or other commonly used molecular dynamics approaches.

The context of this paper is the exponential development of computing power in the past 60 years, estimated to have increased by a factor of 10152, in line with Moore's law. Today, short simulations can reproduce a system the size of a bacterium.

The author outlines diverse examples of issues arising when seemingly simple simulation methods are not applied with the due level of care. For example, simulations of small-scale systems, such as cubic boxes representing a unit cell as part of a crystal or liquid crystal, display effects that are linked to the fact that the sample is of finite size. Therefore, these simulations can only imitate, not reproduce, macroscopic effects unless effects that occur at microscopic scale, such as surface effects, are effectively removed. This is typically done by using periodic repetition of a small system in all directions.

Frenkel also focuses on methods that, at first blush, appear reasonable, but are flawed and are akin to attempting to compare apples and oranges. For example, computing a mechanical property of a system -- say the potential energy -- using a Monte Carlo simulation, which can be based on thermal averages, does not allow us to compute the thermal properties of such a system -- such as entropy -- in terms of thermal averages. Finally, the article also takes great care to debunk common myths and misconceptions pertaining to simulations, for instance, newer simulation methods are not necessarily better than older ones.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Springer Science+Business Media, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. D. Frenkel. Simulations: The dark side. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2013; 128 (1) DOI: 10.1140/epjp/i2013-13010-8

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Police chiefs, sheriffs divided over gun control measures - U.S. News

President Barack Obama says he's looking forward to a "robust conversation" on reducing gun violence.

By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

In urging law enforcement leaders to back new gun control efforts, President Barack Obama is asking police chiefs and county sheriffs to unite behind a cause they don't even agree about among themselves.

Obama said Monday that he was seeking a "basic consensus" among law enforcement executives to pressure Congress for legislation to ban assault-style weapons and restrict high-capacity ammunition magazines, among a score of other measures.

But it turns out the two national groups representing police and sheriffs at a?meeting of law enforcement officials?Monday at the White House ??the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Major County Sheriffs Association ??disagree on the initiative. The chiefs back it, while the sheriffs oppose it.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, president of the police chiefs group, said the deaths of 20 students and six teachers and staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last month had settled the issue.

"If the slaughter of 20 babies does not capture and hold your attention, then I give up, because I don't know what else will," Ramsey said last week. "We have to pass legislation."

But?in a letter to Vice President Joe Biden (.pdf), who is leading the White House lobbying effort, the sheriffs group argued that "a ban on assault weapons alone will not address the issues of gun violence we are facing in our country today."

Nor would limiting magazine capacity, it said: "The problem is not the law-abiding citizen that will follow the restrictions; the problem again is one of access. ... (E)ven if you can?t buy in bulk, you can still buy multiple boxes of smaller quantities."

Similarly, the International Association of Chiefs of Police said?in a position paper (.pdf)?that it was "a strong supporter of the assault weapons ban" and measures to limit ammunition capacity. But the?Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association?applauded what it called efforts to "uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama's unlawful gun control measures."

Chiefs vs. sheriffs
The divide reflects a cultural and political gulf between police chiefs and sheriffs in a number of areas, criminal justice experts told NBC News.

Police chiefs run departments in cities where most gun crimes take place, according to FBI crime statistics over the past decade. Sheriffs run departments in counties, some or all of their jurisdictions covering rural areas where hunting and sport shooting are cherished rights. As a result, "you have these wildly different views of guns," said Gary Kleck, a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

In counties, particularly heavily rural ones, "guns equal hunting, fishing, father-and-son-bonding-type things," he said, while in cities, "guns equal crime."

Those community views have real political effects, according to Kleck and another expert, Scott H. Decker, a professor of criminology at Arizona State University in Tempe.

"The big difference is a sheriff is elected and has to face the voters every four years," Decker said, but police chiefs are almost always appointed.

"If you're a police chief, you're not responsible to an electorate," Kleck said, and are therefore more free to advocate for politically unpopular policies like bans on certain kinds of weapons.

Sheriffs vs. sheriffs
Decker suggested that there was likely to be a broad range of opinion among sheriffs, because it's not just elections that keep them in touch with community sentiment. Because they have more varied duties ? running jails and patrolling areas that can include rural, suburban and urban communities, all in the same county ??their jurisdictions range across populations with widely?different political views on guns.

So while?many sheriffs say they wouldn't enforce new federal gun control laws, there are other sheriffs who call those sheriffs misguided.

Last week, Milwaukee County (Wis.) Sheriff David Clarke issued a public service announcement urging residents to learn how to handle a firearm "so you can defend yourself until we get there."

"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option," Clarke says in the spot,?which you can listen to here.

Just a few counties over, Ron Cramer, sheriff of Eau Claire County, objected that Clarke was sending the wrong message.

Clarke could have gotten across his point that residents could take more responsibility for their own safety "without having to say it's time to join our team and pick up a gun," Cramer told?NBC station WEAU of Eau Claire.

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One of the best ways to get started earning an income online is to sell products and services as an affiliate. ?The major advantage of doing this is that the affiliate doesn?t have to maintain customer service for the product sold. ?It is a great way to learn the mechanisms that are necessary to create income online such as: list-building, getting traffic, copywriting, content creation, keyword research, paid advertising and email marketing.

An affiliate marketer?helps a product or service seller by finding interested buyers in various stages of their desire to make a purchase. ?When those buyers make a purchase, the seller pays the affiliate a commission on the sale. ?The commission?can range from 5% to 100% depending on the merchant and what they are selling.

The seller makes specially coded links available to affiliates, who pass the links on to interested buyers that they find. ?In some cases, the seller requires the affiliate to go through an application process to sell their products and services. ?In other cases, the seller makes their affiliate program available to anyone?who wants to apply.

Successful affiliates typically focus on finding buyers interested in products within specific market niches. ?By focusing on a particular niche, the affiliate can develop expertise in attracting those buyers as well as developing a subscriber list to pass on related deals and offers. ?A subscriber list of targeted buyers is an affiliate marketer?s most valuable asset.

While an affiliate marketer doesn?t necessarily have to maintain customer service for the products and services purchased through their links, they do have to look at their buyers as customers. ?This means that they must work to keep them interested in what they have to present to them as well as to work to gain a level of trust.

Affiliates who are successful in gaining the trust of buyers can expect to have repeat buyers in future offers. ?This means that each buyer attracted by an affiliate expands their business and increases their ability to generate higher commissions as their business progresses.

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Black Creativity Gala 2013 in Chicago photos

Deven and her mother Sandra Rand at the Black Creativity Gala 2013 in Chicago?s Museum of Science and Industry. Photo: Dr. Dawj.

Stunning decor and centerpieces delighted the crowd, and the standard seated dinner service was updated with elaborate buffet stations of scrumptious meats, build-your-own salads and desserts and strategically located premium open bar stations.

The ever-youthful After 7 R&B group performed their top hits, bringing Chicago socialites and business leaders to their feet during the set.

Television personality Merri Dee.

Speaking of youthful, this year, many new faces were seen in the crowd, as several of Chicago?s richest families brought their sons and daughters to formally introduce them to the museum?s high society. The 2013 Black Creativity Gala was chaired by Kevin Brookins, Larry Hollins, Myra Price, and Greg T. Hinton.

Dana and Jeanne Mandoza UPS,La Rue Martin Jr., UPS, and Steven Thomas, UPS, at the Black Creativity Gala in Chicago?s Museum of Science and Industry. Photo: Dr. Dawj.

The Black Creativity Gala is one of the Museum?s high-profile fundraising to support the Museum?s Black Creativity exhibitions and educational programs. With a theme of innovation, this year?s Black Creativity program will introduce attendees to the next wave of creativity in the areas of science, technology and medicine.

?Photos by Dr. Dawj



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Monday, January 28, 2013

'No budget, no pay' advances despite reservations

WASHINGTON (AP) ? In an earlier era, a move like the one engineered by House GOP leaders to pass a "no budget, no pay" measure probably would have been stopped in its tracks.

But with Congress' approval ratings in the gutter, House lawmakers pushed aside questions about fairness and constitutionality and tacked the idea onto an unpopular, must-pass bill to increase the government's borrowing cap.

The measure temporarily would withhold pay from any member of the House or Senate whose chamber doesn't pass a budget this year. The Senate is expected to approve it in the coming week, but only after leaders make clear they think "no budget, no pay" is rife with flaws.

The proposal is before the Senate because the House breezed past objections that the idea is unconstitutional because it could "vary" the pay of lawmakers in violation of the 27th amendment to the Constitution. The House ignored concerns that the measure is unfair to members who are in the minority and are powerless to determine whether a budget passes.

Nearly unmentioned was the prospect that withholding lawmakers' pay favors wealthy members over those of more modest means and could, in theory, attract more affluent candidates better able to withstand having some of their $174,000 salary withheld.

"The last thing we want to do is to say to people running for Congress, 'If you're not a millionaire, don't run because there's no guarantee you'll be paid,'" said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.

For these reasons and more, the idea went nowhere in the last congressional session. But it was embraced about a week ago by House GOP leaders such as Speaker John Boehner of Ohio as they struggled to avoid a potential market-crippling default on government obligations.

The proposal is a slap at the Democratic-controlled Senate, which hasn't passed a budget since 2009. Republicans advanced the measure as a one-year experiment rather than a permanent law.

The logic behind "no budget, no pay" goes like this: Passing a budget is the core responsibility of Congress, so why should lawmakers get paid if they don't do their main job?


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Loss of Rondo for year hurts Celts playoff chances

Boston Celtics guard Courtney Lee, left, and forward Kevin Garnett (5) celebrate on the sideline after a score against the Miami Heat as forward Jeff Green (8) and guard Jason Terry (4) walk up during the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game at TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. The Celtics won 100-98. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Boston Celtics guard Courtney Lee, left, and forward Kevin Garnett (5) celebrate on the sideline after a score against the Miami Heat as forward Jeff Green (8) and guard Jason Terry (4) walk up during the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game at TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. The Celtics won 100-98. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Miami Heat forward LeBron James (6) looks for an opening past Boston Celtics guard Jason Terry (4) during overtime of an NBA basketball game at TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. The Celtics won 100-98 in double overtime. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Boston Celtics forward Jeff Green (8), left, looks for an opening around Miami Heat forward Shane Battier (31), right, in the first half of an NBA basketball game at the TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Miami Heat guard Ray Allen acknowledges people in the crowd during warmups before their NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics at TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. The Celtics won 100-98. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Miami Heat head coach Erik Spoelstra, left, and forward LeBron James (6), right, look on from the bench in the fourth quarter of an NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics at the TD Garden in Boston, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2013. The Celtics won 100-98. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

(AP) ? The Celtics' grip on the last playoff spot in the Eastern Conference already was slipping.

Now they'll have to hang on without Rajon Rondo.

Boston's star point guard will miss the rest of the season and undergo surgery for a torn anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee. The Celtics won without him on Sunday, beating the Miami Heat 100-98 in double overtime.

But what will the Celtics (21-23) do without him for the remaining 38 games with just a 2?-game lead over the ninth-place Philadelphia 76ers?

"We'll see," coach Doc Rivers said. "Obviously, that's a blow. It's a huge blow for us."

Rondo had triple-doubles in his last two games, giving him five for the season. He brought the ball up, got it to the right people and even improved his weak shooting so much that his 48.4 field goal percentage was third best among NBA guards.

He was averaging career highs of 13.7 points and 5.6 rebounds along with 11.1 assists this season. And he was chosen as the starting point guard for the Eastern Conference in the All-Star game in Houston on Feb. 17.

Now he's done.

The club said he was hurt late in Friday night's 123-111 loss, also in double overtime, in Atlanta.

"We still like our chances in the Eastern Conference," said Paul Pierce, who had his own triple-double Sunday with 17 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists. "Responsibilities definitely go up when you have Rondo out of the game. (I'm) more of a facilitator. (I) have to (do) a little bit of everything for this ball club."

Kevin Garnett led the Celtics with 24 points and 11 rebounds and they responded well without Rondo. Their other guards ? Avery Bradley, Courtney Lee, Jason Terry and Leandro Barbosa ? each played at least 25 minutes and combined for 35 points.

"New guys are going to get an opportunity now," Pierce said.

The Celtic's prospects were bleak even before Rivers learned about 25 minutes before the game that Rondo wouldn't play. They had lost six straight games, their longest slide in six seasons. The Heat had won their last four and had the best record in the East.

At first, Rondo thought he had a hamstring injury, Rivers said. Then he was ruled out of the game with what the team said was a hyperextended right knee. An MRI was done and Rivers learned about the ACL tear during the game.

"He's known to play through injuries," Pierce said. "If Rondo can suit up, he's going to suit up. So he didn't suit up today and we knew it wasn't good."

Rivers told his players of the severity of Rondo's injury after the game.

"Everyone was really happy for the win," Pierce said. "It brought a dark cloud in this room when you heard the news."

Even LeBron James, who led all scorers with 34 points, expressed sympathy.

"As much as I've been a rival with Boston over the years, I never want to see anyone go down," James said. "It's terrible."

James had a chance to put the Heat ahead after Pierce's 22-footer gave Boston a 99-98 lead with 31 seconds left in the second overtime. But James missed a 12-foot jumper with 6.8 seconds to go. Pierce got the rebound and was fouled.

He sank the first shot. Then, as a fan shouted "This one's for Rondo," he missed the second.

Miami had one last chance, but Shane Battier missed a long jumper at the buzzer.

"They defended that very well," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "There are about three different options to it, four different options to it. They defended each one of them."

The Heat also could have won in the first overtime, but Dwyane Wade, who had 17 points, missed a jumper as the buzzer sounded.

Boston could have avoided the first overtime when Pierce inbounded from behind his backboard to Terry with 2 seconds left. But Terry's shot from the top of the key was short. The Heat had tied it on a 3-pointer by James with 7 seconds remaining in regulation after Ray Allen missed a 3-pointer with 15 seconds to go.

This game was Allen's first in Boston since he left the Celtics after five seasons and signed as a free agent with Miami. He scored 21 points.

The crowd gave him a standing ovation when highlights of his career were shown on the video board above center court during a timeout with 5:33 left in the first quarter. At the Miami bench, he raised his left hand in recognition.

"When I saw it, just all those emotions came streaming back from all the great things we did here," Allen said. "I'll always be a Celtic in my mind."

Allen entered the game about a minute after the tribute and was booed when he touched the ball. The boos came down again when he took two free throws ? missing the first, making the second ? three minutes into the second quarter.

Now the Celtics have neither member of their starting backcourt from the past five seasons, Allen and Rondo.

Rondo's injury "puts this team and the rest of the guys in a position to be ready to step up," Pierce said. Sunday's win "was a perfect example. We showed we are capable."

NOTES: It was Miami's first game in Boston since it won Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals behind James' 45 points. ... James and Chris Bosh each had 16 rebounds for the Heat. ... The last time the Celtics played consecutive double-overtime games was on March 11 and 13, 1951.

Associated Press


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Teachers flip for 'flipped learning' class model

Mariah Arostigue, left, and Noah Reyes, 11th graders, chat as they work on their homework in a pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Mariah Arostigue, left, and Noah Reyes, 11th graders, chat as they work on their homework in a pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Students solve problems in Crystal Kirch's pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Teacher Crystal Kirch, center, talks to her students in her pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Marisa Wilkerson, 11th grader, and her classmate use their hands to make the shape of a conic section in Crystal Kirch's pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

Teacher Crystal Kirch greets her student in her pre-calculus class at Segerstrom High School in Santa Ana, Calif., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. A growing number of teachers are implementing what is known as "flipped learning," in which students learn lessons as homework, mostly through online videos produced by teachers, and use classroom time to practice what they learned. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

(AP) ? When Timmy Nguyen comes to his pre-calculus class, he's already learned the day's lesson ? he watched it on a short online video prepared by his teacher for homework.

So without a lecture to listen to, he and his classmates at Segerstrom Fundamental High School spend class time doing practice problems in small groups, taking quizzes, explaining the concept to other students, reciting equation formulas in a loud chorus, and making their own videos while teacher Crystal Kirch buzzes from desk to desk to help pupils who are having trouble.

It's a technology-driven teaching method known as "flipped learning" because it flips the time-honored model of classroom lecture and exercises for homework ? the lecture becomes homework and class time is for practice.

"It was hard to get used to," said Nguyen, an 11th-grader. "I was like 'why do I have to watch these videos, this is so dumb.' But then I stopped complaining and I learned the material quicker. My grade went from a D to an A."

Flipped learning apparently is catching on in schools across the nation as a younger, more tech-savvy generation of teachers is moving into classrooms. Although the number of "flipped" teachers is hard to ascertain, the online community Flipped Learning Network now has 10,000 members, up from 2,500 a year ago, and training workshops are being held all over the country, said executive director Kari Afstrom.

Under the model, teachers make eight- to 10-minute videos of their lessons using laptops, often simply filming the whiteboard as the teacher makes notations and recording their voice as they explain the concept. The videos are uploaded onto a teacher or school website, or even YouTube, where they can be accessed by students on computers or smartphones as homework.

For pupils lacking easy access to the Internet, teachers copy videos onto DVDs or flash drives. Kids with no home device watch the video on school computers.

Class time is then devoted to practical applications of the lesson ? often more creative exercises designed to engage students and deepen their understanding. On a recent afternoon, Kirch's students stood in pairs with one student forming a cone shape with her hands and the other angling an arm so the "cone" was cut into different sections.

"It's a huge transformation," said Kirch, who has been taking this approach for two years. "It's a student-focused classroom where the responsibility for learning has flipped from me to the students."

The concept emerged five years ago when a pair of Colorado high school teachers started videotaping their chemistry classes for absent students.

"We found it was really valuable and pushed us to ask what the students needed us for," said one of the teachers, Aaron Sams, now a consultant who is developing on online education program in Pittsburgh. "They didn't need us for content dissemination, they needed us to dig deeper."

He and colleague Jonathan Bergmann began condensing classroom lectures to short videos and assigning them as homework.

"The first year, I was able to double the number of labs my students were doing," Sams said. "That's every science teacher's dream."

In the Detroit suburb of Clinton Township, Clintondale High School Principal Greg Green converted the whole school to flipped learning in the fall of 2011 after years of frustration with high failure rates and discipline problems. Three-quarters of the school's enrollment of 600 is low-income, minority students.

Flipping yielded dramatic results after just a year, including a 33 percent drop in the freshman failure rate and a 66 percent drop in the number of disciplinary incidents from the year before, Green said. Graduation, attendance and test scores all went up. Parent complaints dropped from 200 to seven.

Green attributed the improvements to an approach that engages students more in their classes.

"Kids want to take an active part in the learning process," he said. "Now teachers are actually working with kids."

Although the method has been more popular in high schools, it's now catching on in elementary schools, said Afstrom of the Flipped Learning Network.

Fifth-grade teacher Lisa Highfill in the Pleasanton Unified School District said for a lesson about adding decimals, she made a five-minute, how-to video kids watched at home and in class, then she distributed play money and menus and had kids "ordering" food and tallying the bill and change.

A colleague who teaches kindergarten reads a storybook on video. The video contains a pop-up box that requires kids to write something that shows they understood the story.

The concept has its downside. Teachers note that making the videos and coming up with project activities to fill class time is a lot of extra work up front, while some detractors believe it smacks of teachers abandoning their primary responsibility of instructing.

"They're expecting kids to do the learning outside the classroom. There's not a lot of evidence this works," said Leonie Haimson, executive director of Class Size Matters, a New York City-based parent advocacy group. "What works is reasonably sized classes with a lot of debate, interaction and discussion."

Others question whether flipped learning would work as well with low achieving students, who may not be as motivated to watch lessons on their own, but said it was overall a positive model.

"It's forcing the notion of guided practice," said Cynthia Desrochers, director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at California State University-Northridge. "Students can get the easy stuff on their own, but the hard stuff should be under the watchful eye of a teacher."

At Michigan's Clintondale High School, some teachers show the video at the beginning of class to ensure all kids watch it and that home access is not an issue.

In Kirch's pre-calculus class, students said they liked the concept.

"You're not falling asleep in class, "said senior Monica Resendiz said. "You're constantly working."

Explaining to adults that homework was watching videos was a little harder, though.

"My grandma thought I was using it as an excuse to mess around on the Internet," Nguyen said.


Contact the reporter at .

Associated Press


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

AP Source: Titans interested in hiring Williams

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) ? Gregg Williams may be a step closer to returning to the NFL after being suspended indefinitely for his role in the Saints' bounty program.

Titans coach Mike Munchak has talked with Williams and is interested in adding him to his Tennessee staff, said a person familiar with the situation. The person spoke Sunday to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because the Titans do not discuss personnel moves until they are finalized.

Before the Titans could hire Williams, he must be reinstated by the league. Commissioner Roger Goodell suspended him indefinitely for his role in the New Orleans Saints bounty program, and NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Sunday the league has not yet addressed Williams' potential reinstatement.

Munchak did not immediately answer a message left by the AP on Sunday. The Titans coach has not talked with the media about his team since the day after the season ended.

How quickly the league considers reinstating Williams may take at least a week with the San Francisco 49ers arriving in New Orleans on Sunday to kick off festivities leading up to the Feb. 3 Super Bowl.

Williams is the only coach or player who has yet to return to the NFL in the wake of the bounty scandal.

Goodell just lifted the suspension for New Orleans coach Sean Payton on Tuesday, nearly two weeks earlier than expected. Saints general manager Mickey Loomis was suspended for eight games and assistant head coach Joe Vitt for six. Four current or former Saints players were also suspended after an investigation found the club had a performance pool offering cash rewards for key plays, including big hits. The player suspensions eventually were overturned.

Williams was the Saints defensive coordinator from 2009-11 and was hired by St. Louis in January 2012 by former Titans coach Jeff Fisher before being suspended indefinitely in March 20112. Williams' son, Blake, also was on Fisher's staff as the Rams' linebacker coach ? but his contract was not renewed earlier this month.

Munchak has known Williams since 1990. Munchak was playing for the then-Houston Oilers when Williams became an assistant coach with the team. They also coached together with the Oilers; Munchak oversaw the offensive line starting in 1994 and Williams rose from defensive assistant to coaching special teams, then linebackers and finally defensive coordinator.

Williams left the Titans to become head coach of the Buffalo Bills in 2001 before becoming defensive coordinator with the Washington Redskins from 2004-07. He also was defensive coordinator in Jacksonville in 2008 before being hired by the Saints in 2009.

Williams also has a relationship with Munchak's current defensive coordinator, Jerry Gray. When Williams left for Buffalo, Gray went with him and served as Williams' defensive coordinator with the Bills.

Even though Gray currently has the job, the Titans' defense needs help and Munchak will be coaching for his job in 2013 after going 6-10 in his second season as head coach. One reason for the losing record was Tennessee's inability to stop anyone; the Titans set a franchise record allowing 471 points in 2012. The only change Munchak has made to his defensive staff was letting linebackers coach Frank Bush go and moving Chet Paralavecchio into the job from assisting with special teams.

In Williams' last season with the Titans, Tennessee ranked first in the NFL in fewest yards allowed, first in passing yards allowed and third in rushing defense. The Titans also set a franchise-record for fewest points allowed with 191 with an aggressive defense.


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The Home She Made: Family Holiday Preparation

The car is all clean and packed and we are about to head away for a family holiday. Hubby doesn't have to return to work til mid February so we thought we'd take the chance to get off the farm and head to the beach. It certainly is a blessing having a swimming pool and an airconditioned home, as if not, I would have been itching to get to the coast?weeks ago.?

Whilst it is really nice to go with the flow and not have too many concrete plans for holidays, I like to be prepared and make a very rough outline for meals and a list of activities for our time away. I like to arrive at our self contained holiday accomodation knowing we have some supplies with us without having to rush off to the store and I find it much more budget friendly. Obviously we will be eating out or having takeaway a few times but not everyday or for every meal. Prior to leaving, I've stocked up on the follow items to take with us:

  • breakfast items - cereal; juice; coffee; tea; sugar?
  • fruit; salad?
  • kids share packs and juice boxes
  • crackers; biscuits; chips
  • BBQ meat and condiments
  • Picnic supplies - plates; cups; napkins etc?

I've also been baking and have made mini quiche; muffins and chocolate snowballs to take with us. We take a small esky with us for the frozen BBQ meat; quiches; muffins; salad and fruit.?

The little boys and I have also made a list of potential activities for us to do together whilst we away. Some of the ideas we came up with were:?

  • fish + chips at the beach?
  • indoor playground/play center?
  • picnic
  • play at the park?
  • milkshake dates
  • out for dinner
  • shop for school supplies?
  • beach scavenger hunt?

I have packed a small collection puzzles; games; colouring-in and DVD's for the boys too. I've tried to choose ones they've not played with for a while or are favourites that I know will hold their attention. We have also packed their scooters. I'm sure as they get older we will be taking their bikes but for now scooters are something they enjoy and bonus, they pack down small in the car.?

Very much looking forward to some family time away together and hope to have lots of lovely happy snaps to share with you soon.?


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Video: Does Obama have political capital to pass gun control?

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Dr. Phil to interview alleged girlfriend hoaxer

FILE - In this July 24, 2007 file photo, Dr. Phil McGraw is shown in Los Angeles. McGraw has booked the first on-camera interview with the man who allegedly concocted the girlfriend hoax that ensnared Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o, confirmed on Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, by a spokesperson for the "Dr. Phil Show." (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

FILE - In this July 24, 2007 file photo, Dr. Phil McGraw is shown in Los Angeles. McGraw has booked the first on-camera interview with the man who allegedly concocted the girlfriend hoax that ensnared Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o, confirmed on Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, by a spokesperson for the "Dr. Phil Show." (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

FILE - In this July 24, 2007 file photo, Dr. Phil McGraw is shown in Los Angeles. McGraw has booked the first on-camera interview with the man who allegedly concocted the girlfriend hoax that ensnared Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o, confirmed on Friday, Jan. 25, 2013, by a spokesperson for the "Dr. Phil Show." (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

(AP) ? Dr. Phil McGraw has booked the first on-camera interview with the man who allegedly concocted the girlfriend hoax that ensnared Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o.

A "Dr. Phil Show" spokesperson confirmed on Friday the interview with Ronaiah Tuiasosopo (roh-NY-ah too-ee-AH'-so-SO'-poh), the man accused of creating an online persona of a nonexistent woman who Te'o said he fell for without ever meeting face-to-face.

The ruse was uncovered last week by, which reported that Tuiasosopo created the woman, named Lennay Kekua, who then supposedly died last September.

No further details of the "Dr. Phil" interview, including its airdate, were announced.

This interview follows the first on-camera interview with Te'o conducted this week by Katie Couric.

Associated Press


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BubbleBum inflatable booster seat - Tropic Home and Family

BubbleBum inflatable booster seat: Why didn?t I think of this?BubbleBum is an inflatable booster seat for kids' car rides

BubbleBum is an inflatable booster seat for kids' car rides

Has this happened to you? There have been so many times that my mom friends have asked around for a spare car seat for their visiting relative?s or friend?s child. Unfortunately, I don?t keep a spare (and my sedan isn?t big enough to carry more children than what I?ve got!).

So I wish I had come up with this brilliant idea: BubbleBum is an inflatable booster seat (for kids 40-100 pounds). An inflatable seat that you can later roll up and place in the handy storage pouch makes it so easy to travel in a relative?s car, taxi or carpool. Kids going home with a friend can put BubbleBum in their backpack!

BubbleBum was developed by a mom (no surprise there) in Northern Ireland and has already won several awards. And yes, it?s safe ? it has been crash tested and approved.

Once I read the instructions (important!), I found the BubbleBum easy to set up. I did have trouble figuring out how to inflate it ? all you need to do is blow ? but when I reached my frustration threshold, my husband figured it out for me.

(Yes, I know how that sounds. Moving on?.)

The BubbleBum?s seat straps onto the shoulder belt and also the lap belt to make it secure. (This part was easy for me.)

BubbleBum strap

BubbleBum strap

BubbleBum costs around $40 and is available at Target stores ? see below for a Florida list. If you?re outside of Florida, please find a store locator here.

BubbleBum comes in a compact cylinder -- now available at Target stores in the USA

BubbleBum comes in a compact cylinder -- now available at Target stores in the USA

Florida Target stores that carry BubbleBum inflatable booster seats

12801 W Sunrise Blvd
Sunrise, FL

5800 20th St
Vero Beach, FL

325 N Alafaya Trl
Orlando, FL

7730 W Commercial Blvd
Lauderhill, FL

2155 Town Center Blvd
Orlando, FL

1200 Edwards Ferry Rd
Leesburg, FL

4795 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy
Kissimmee, FL

10155 Okeechobee Blvd
West Palm Beach, FL 33411

5800 S University Dr
Davie, FL

10150 Bloomingdale Ave
Riverview, FL

- ? - ? -

BubbleBum provided a seat for me to review. Opinions and silliness are my own.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Big News - a simple and well-designed news widget

Android Central

There are plenty of news readers and widgets out there, but not many do their job as elegantly as Big News Pro. Since moving to a new design language with Ice Cream Sandwich, we've been looking to fill our homescreens and app drawers with as many properly-designed holo apps as possible. Big News fits right in with this design, and actually has a nice feature set hiding behind its simplistic exterior. 

Read on past the break and see what Big News has to offer as a news widget.

read more


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Linked Pune: Business Presentation Skills Workshop

Linked Pune: Business Presentation Skills Workshop

Business Presentation Skills Workshop

Business Presentation Skills Workshop

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Excellent communications skills are a key to the success of every individual and business!
The presentations we make every day range from impromptu discussions in the hallway to formal speeches behind podiums. They may last 30 seconds or several hours, and may include anything from flipcharts to power-points to white-board. But, if they are to be effective, they must include communication concepts.
Presentations are an effective way to communicate to large numbers of people at the same time. However, it is not just about communicating information, but more importantly, you should be able to create interest and excitement in your subject. It is important to ?get your message across?.

????????? Design presentations that inform, instruct, persuade, or inspire an audience
????????? Present and facilitate programs in a variety of formats
????????? Adapt presentations to accommodate the needs of different audiences
????????? Use presentation tools and techniques to keep audiences engaged
????????? Get feedback on your own presentation style through a video shoot

????????? Interactive session with Power Point
????????? Exercises
????????? Role Plays
We are inviting you to take advantage of this unique workshop by personally joining or nominating your colleagues to join this workshop using the attached reply form.

The delegate fee is Rs 1500/- per person. Fees include: Morning Tea-Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Tea, Workshop Handouts and Stationery.
Contact: Shejal Ajmera for queries or registrations

Please send the delegate fee along with the registration form for confirmation of nomination. Mention the name of participant, mobile no. & email id.

????????? Demand Draft
????????? Cheque favoring Crispidea
????????? You may also transfer the funds directly in A/C No. ? 310320110000377, Bank Of India or online using IFSC CODE ? BKID0003103. Please send the transaction id for confirmation of transfer
????????? Cheque / Demand Draft could be sent to D404 Maestros, Salunkhe Vihar Road, Wanowrie, Pune - 411040


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Diverse Slate of Established, New Authors to Speak at Weeklong ...

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013
Issue 04, Volume 17.

RIVERSIDE - Established authors, poets and creative writing professors will share insights regarding what it takes to get published during UC Riverside's 36th annual "Writers Week," which begins Feb. 4.

"We have an amazing line-up this year," said Tom Lutz, a UCR creative writing professor and editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Review of Books. "As Southern California's longest-running literary event, Writers Week provides extraordinary opportunities for LARB. For writers, the combination is great, especially writers who are launching new books."

Opening day will feature a lecture by Los Angeles Times Editor-in-Chief Davan Maharaj, who will assess contemporary journalism and spotlight where he believes the industry is going.

The reservation-only talk is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Feb. 4, at the UCR University Theatre.

Several of the campus's resident authors, including Tod Goldberg, who teaches Writing for Advertisement
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[ Berry-Bell and Hall Mortuary ]
the Performing Arts at UCR-Palm Desert, will be on hand, as well as others involved in the university's Master of Fine Arts Program.

Authors about to debut new works are slated to speak, including Reyna Grande, Ruben Martinez and David Shields.

Poets Jacqueline Berger, Wanda Coleman, Patricia Hampl and Sheila Sanderson will be giving talks, as will novelists Aimee Phan, Jayne Anne Phillips and Mariah Young.

The event will also feature interactive panel discussions and opportunities to engage Writers Week authors one-on-one, as well as purchase their books on-site.

All activities -- free and open to the public -- will be centered at the CHASS Interdisciplinary Building, except for the closing night keynote address, which Phillips is scheduled to deliver at the UCR Culver Center of the Arts on the downtown Riverside Main Street pedestrian mall.


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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Windows Phone 7.8 SDK released, includes emulator images, no new APIs

Windows Phone 78 SDK released, includes emulator images, no new APIs

Microsoft just announced today's release of the Windows Phone 7.8 SDK, which should be a wee bit helpful for developers wanting to test their apps and Live Tiles with the revised OS. The new SDK includes two software images (build 8858), one that simulates devices with 512MB of RAM and another for 256MB handsets. The primary purpose of this release is to let developers test their Live Tiles with Windows Phone 7.8, which supports resizable Live Tiles. While it's not much of a surprise, the new SDK includes no new APIs over the Windows Phone 7.5 SDK, which further reinforces the impression of Windows Phone 7.8 as a largely cosmetic update. On the plus side, legacy support is alive and kicking, as Microsoft promises the SDK update won't alter existing Windows Phone 7.1 emulator images. For more details of this release, be sure to hit up the source link.

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Source: Windows Phone Developer Blog


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Social Media Marketing - How To Make Your Business Successful ...


social media marketing Social Media Marketing   How To Make Your Business Successful With It.Social Media Marketing is a term many people speak about. The internet has become a primary source of advertisement for many people. The internet offers low-cost and sometimes free methods to promote products and services for businesses. There are many different ways to advertise through the internet, and one of them involves the use of social media marketing. The following article contains information on social media marketing and how to use it.

When you begin a social media marketing campaign leave room for trial and error. Depending on your target audience, some things that are effective for other businesses may not work for you. Watch for what is and is not working and make changes as necessary. This will show your customers that you are connected with their needs as well.


Social Media Marketing with Blog

Make sure your blog has excellent content that engages, educates, and inspires. A great blog serves as the cornerstone of your social media marketing. When you create content that people cannot wait to read, they will keep coming back. The bottom line is that good content is what is behind any type of media, and social media marketing is no exception.

If you need to establish an email mailing list, using a social media marketing site is a great way to do it. Get your followers and fans to provide an email address to you for future mailings in exchange for an entry into a contest where prizes and discounts will be given away.


Use Social Media Marketing to Spread Your Word

Do not forget that your website is your main tool to generate sales. You need social media marketing to get your customers? attention and have them click on links to your website. Include links in your profile, but also in your updates, picture descriptions, and comments. Keep track of how many people clicked on each link to find out which strategies are the most efficient.

Conduct Facebook polls. Using the the ?question? feature on Facebook, you can develop a poll to ask your followers a question. It can be about their thoughts on a new product, their opinion on how you?re doing with customer service or anything else to which you?d like an answer. This keeps them engaged. When your followers feel more involved, they identify more closely with your brand or product.

To successfully market your business with social media marketing, you should take advantage of Yelp. Yelp is an online community where real people review local businesses. Yelp carefully filters its reviews to protect against scammers, and the Yelp community of reviewers is very close-knit. Positive reviews on yelp can bring your business legitimacy and help attract new customers. Make sure to monitor yelp for people?s ideas and suggestions about how to improve your business and help yourself achieve the best rating possible on the website.


Connect all Your Social Media Marketing Sites Together

Try to make it so that all of your social networking sites are connected with one another. This is good so that everything you say reaches your entire audience. A good example of this is changing your settings so that everything that you post on Twitter is automatically posted on your Facebook as well.

In conclusion, many people use the internet for advertisement. The internet has become a primary advertising platform due to its low-cost advertising solutions. There are many ways to advertise over the internet, including with social media The information provided in the above article will help anyone use social media marketing.

Learn more about Social Media Marketing here!?

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ThrillerNight's Partner Search

Hello there all~! I'm looking for someone to roleplay with me one on one over PM.

I'm looking for a realistic modern-day setting, I might also be open to doing something supernatural such as vampires, werewolves, or something with gifted humans if you pitch it well. ^_~ Other than that I have no other perimeters to fill and am open to most anything!

I prefer to play male characters, but am willing to play as a female if that's what you would like. Also, it would be nice if you'd be at-least semi-literate, meaning I want at least a paragraph or two in each message.

If you're interested feel free to PM me!

Thank you!


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AMD hires chip experts from Qualcomm and Apple, aims to move beyond the PC

Even more transfer news from chipmakers, although this one isn't quite as litigious. AMD has hired two senior engineers with experience at both Qualcomm and Apple. The hires have been confirmed by AMD, which added that the new recruits would help the chipmaker expand into new markets -- though the spokesperson didn't specify what these markets would be. Charles Matar, with expertise in low-power and embedded chip design will join from Qualcomm as AMD's new vice president of SoC Development, while Wayne Meretsky, formerly of Apple, was named vice president of software IP development. AMD still derives around 80 percent of its revenue from PCs, a market that continues to slow as smartphones and tablets continue to flourish. Both will likely be involved in the development of whatever AMD's planning for after Temash.

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Source: Reuters


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