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Getting started

Helping to bring balance to your life

(After talking to your doctor) then where to start?!OK, so you?ve talked to your doctor about your plan to adopt a new healthy lifestyle which includes regular exercise, and you?ve been given the green light. Great! So where to take things from here? Is it best to take a ?no time to lose? approach and book a gym induction session straightaway? Or, in your excitement, should you immediately drive down to your local swimming pool and start getting a few lengths under your belt? Or would it be best to have a little patience, and to sit down, think it all through, and carefully plan out your weekly health & fitness routine first?

Through reading this article in Zone 3 of the Centre you will learn the answers to these questions, and more.

In this article:

Should I tell others that I am planning to embark upon a health & fitness ?journey??

But I don?t know which exercise activity or sport to choose?!

How can I find out about health & fitness options (facilities, teams, clubs, etc) in my local area?

Should I plan it all out first, or just get stuck in?

What gear do I need? What else might I need to buy?

Should I set goals, or would that be putting myself under too much pressure?

What?s the best way to start my new healthy diet?

Will I see results quickly?

How can I help others?

Summary & Suggestions for further learning through this website

Should I tell others I am planning to embark upon a health & fitness ?journey??Overall, it is probably best to tell others that you are about to make health & fitness a core part of your life, but not to be specific about your actual goals. This way, you will receive encouragement from others (which will help you to stay motivated when the going gets tough!), but, because you have not told them what your actual ?target weight? is, or that you are aiming to train towards competing in next year?s London or New York marathon, for example, you will not leave yourself vulnerable to persistent questioning as to how you are getting on when it comes to achieving your goals. This can be intensely irritating and could make you feel that others are in control of your health & fitness, and not you. Many people have found themselves caught in this trap through being open about their specific goals, and have then actually given up on continuing with their health & fitness lifestyle as a result.

Don?t let that happen to you.

But I don?t know which exercise activity or sport to choose?!For thousands of people across the UK this is a common problem. If you are an adult, it may be years since you did any exercise at all. In fact, the last time you participated in sport may have been during Games lessons at school.

If you are unsure or completely at a loss to know which exercise to choose, the options open to you are basically individual sports or team sports.

As possible options, here are just a few examples of individual sports/exercise activities:





Table tennis



And some team sports options are:







The only real way to find out which one suits you best is to try a few out. It is important to come to the right decision when it comes to choosing your activity as, if you select one you enjoy, you will be more likely to keep it up. So take your time. Test the water with a few of the aforementioned sports/activities, and see what you think. Sooner or later you will find the one for you, and this initial investigative process will have paid dividends.

How can I find out about health & fitness options (facilities, teams, clubs, etc) in my local area?The quickest way to do this is through an online search. These days, for a sports club/venue to be taken seriously, an online presence (such as a Web site or a blog) is essential. Google ?sport and leisure?, ?exercise activities? and ?sports clubs? in your local area, and see what comes up.

Alternately, you could ask at your local library or tourist information centre for details on sports clubs, organisations and venues/centres in your local area.

Perhaps one of the most powerful methods of finding out about local sports options is good old word-of-mouth. Ask around at work about local sports amenities. Ask your friends and/or neighbours. You could even use Social Networking Web sites, such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter for all the gossip on your local sporting scene! (Note: Most Social Networking Web sites are free to join.)

Should I plan it all out first, or just get stuck in?Plan it out. Please go to these two articles for information about health & fitness planning:

Plan your way to feeling great

Your health & fitness plan

What gear do I need? What else might I need to buy?That will depend upon which exercise activity you go for. Obviously, the required training gear for table tennis will differ slightly from scuba diving kit! But seriously, for most sports/exercise activities, a t-shirt, shorts (or jogging bottoms) and a decent pair of trainers should be all you need to at least get started.

Should I set goals, or would that be putting myself under too much pressure?Goal-setting is essential. To find out why, please go here: Setting realistic goals

What?s the best way to start my new healthy diet?At its most basic level, your balanced diet should include:

An appropriate amount of nutrients and minerals from fruit, vegetables, whole grains and nuts

Sufficient quantities of water

Limited intake of sugar, and

Low salt intake

Like planning the exercise aspect of your healthy new lifestyle, take the same approach to planning your diet: Don?t rush into it (this might lead you to hastily wasting money on the wrong foods).

Think about the sorts of nutritious foods you already know you like and see them as your diet?s core foods. Establish a day each week on which you will do your healthy food shopping (to give your week structure; help you to feel in total control of your diet; and to stop you from buying the wrong foods on impulse due to shopping in a more haphazard, random way).

Will I see results quickly?Yes. But do take a long-term approach to health & fitness. Make it part of your lifestyle for years to come.

Also, it is important to be realistic about what results you will achieve early on. By setting realistic goals, you will see steady results. Week-by-week you will feel a little fitter and you will gradually lose weight. Over the course of, say, six months to a year, your health will become greatly enhanced.

How can I help others?Share your knowledge. Through doing so you could really help another person who wishes to adopt a new healthy lifestyle (and has been told by their doctor that there is no reason why they shouldn?t), but simply doesn?t know where to take things from there.

Also, tell others about the Chemist Online Health & Fitness Centre! The wealth of useful and up-to-the-minute information available here is changing people?s lives every day ? for the better.

Let?s summarise now and then look at some suggestions for further learning through this website.

Summary Through reading this article in Zone 3 of the Centre you have learnt about how to best approach embarking upon a new health & fitness lifestyle (after talking to your doctor first). You have found out about individual and team sport options, and how to make the right decision when it comes choosing which one would be best for you. Diet-planning has been looked at, and you have also discovered ways in which to explore and investigate health & fitness options (clubs, leisure centres, etc.) in your local area. By absorbing the information here, you are now ready to get started on your new and health & fitness journey.

Now learn more!To find out even more about how adopting a healthier lifestyle can impact positively on your life, please click on any of these links:

Don?t put it off any longer Plan your way to feeling greatSetting realistic goalsGetting started Your health & fitness plan Why the body needs time to recover

All information on the Chemist Online Health and Fitness website is for information only. Always consult your GP before undertaking any form of weight loss, fitness or exercise.

About the Author

Chemist Online. Buy toiletries, beauty products and prescription medicines. Buy Allergies or Asthma treatments, pain killers, perfumes and deodorants. Chemist Online, your online pharmacy discount chemist shop in the UK for health and beauty products

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