Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Top 10 Tips For Generating New Leads : Data List Marketing

Without good solid leads any real estate business will be in trouble. So how can you generate leads without resorting to cold calling? Here are our Top 10 Tips for Generating New Leads;

1. Have a compelling marketing message. Be prepared to convince people why they should do business with you. Know what sets you apart, what you can offer and ensure the message is commensurate with the demographic of the advertising medium.

2. Advertise strategically online. Think about which portal you might want to use. Is the property worth a single property website? Does it warrant special attention? Know the statistics too ? what has worked for you in the past, where have your best leads come from?

3. Think outside the square. There are places you can talk about your business that are not mainstream property portals. In the US there?s, in the UK there?s Of course there are non-online channels too, even the local community noticeboard.

4. Maximise your own website. You need to have one. But is the navigation logical? Is it information rich? Have you got proper SEO and SEM in place? Does it look good? Is the text compelling? Would you like to browse it yourself if you were seeking to buy or sell property? Can browsers sign up for email alerts, local property news and does it keep them coming back to your site? What information can you place on your site that positions you as a market leader and commentator? Is your website address on your marketing material, business card, answering machine, and shop window?

5. Visualise your ideal client. Think about who want to be knocking on your door, and then go out and find them. If you have a customer in mind, you already know who you?re looking for so you?ll know where to find them.

6. Make your business attractive to prospective clients. This covers everything from first appearances and cleaning the glass on your shopfront, to customer service, your reputation, presentation, and knowledge. Brandon Cornett, author of a book on the topic of lead generation, suggests three key ingredients are vital to making your business attractive: be visible, valuable, and trustworthy.

7. Talk about yourself and your services. Have you considered blogging, Twitter or even talking to the person next to you on the bus on the way to the office?

8. Social networking ? we mean the online variety. in the US, Juicy Red Apple in the UK, LinkedIn, FaceBook or even

9. Networking. Our lives are increasingly pushed online but don?t neglect the obvious. Old school face-to-face meetings never go astray. Do you know a local lawyer, accountant, or mortgage broker? Talk to them, talk to friends, talk to ex-clients.

10. Position your knowledge, add value and become an expert. Can you run a seminar? Write a local information guide or newsletter? Give a talk at the local college? What services can you provide to attract buyers and sellers before they know they want to buy or sell?

And of course, once you?ve got your leads, you need to nurture them into real business.


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