Saturday, December 31, 2011

Weather deserves medal for clean air during 2008 Olympics

Thursday, December 29, 2011

New research suggests that China's impressive feat of cutting Beijing's pollution up to 50 percent for the 2008 Summer Olympics had some help from Mother Nature. Rain just at the beginning and wind during the Olympics likely contributed about half of the effort needed to clean up the skies, scientists found. The results also suggest emission controls need to be more widely implemented than in 2008 if pollution levels are to be reduced permanently.

Reporting their findings December 12 in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, co-author atmospheric chemist Xiaohong Liu at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National laboratory said, "In addition to the emission controls, the weather was very important in reducing pollution. You can see the rain washing pollution out of the sky and wind transporting it away from the area."

Liu and colleague Chun Zhao at PNNL and at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing took advantage of the emission controls China put into play before and during the August Olympics to study the relative contributions of both planning and nature. Chinese officials restricted driving, temporarily halted pollution-producing manufacturing and power plants, and even relocated heavy polluting industries in preparation for the games.

To find out if the controls worked as well as people hoped, the researchers modeled the pollution and weather conditions in the area before, during and after the Olympics. They compared the model's results with measured amounts of pollution, which matched well.

Adding up the sources of pollution and the sinks that cleared it out, the team found that emission sources dropped up to a half in the week just before and during the Olympics. And while some pollution got washed out by rain or fell out of the sky, most of it got blown away by wind.

"They got very lucky. There were strong storms right before the Olympics," said Liu.

In addition to rain, wind also helped. Beijing is bordered on the south by urban areas and on the north by mountains, so wind blowing north would carry more pollution into the city. Examining the direction of the wind, the researchers saw that it generally blew south in the time period covering the Olympic period.

"The area we looked at is about 50 miles south. This suggests that emission controls need to be on a regional scale rather than just a local scale," said Liu.

The importance of regional controls meshes well with previous research on 2008 Olympics air quality that focused on nitrogen-based pollutants.

Next, the researchers will be examining the effect of pollution on other weather events and climate change in China. Pollutants are very small particles, and some suspect they might be causing fog to form rather than rain due to numerous pollution particles in China, Liu said.


DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory:

Thanks to DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for this article.

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Corruption in India: I was approached for a bribe

Our correspondent learns first-hand the mechanics of petty bribery in India. Meanwhile, corruption fighter Anna Hazare called off his hunger strike today.

As New Delhi gears up for New Year's celebrations, the police are rolling out roadblocks.

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In the United States, roadblocks are a common way to check for drivers who have had one too many drinks on New Years, but for police in Delhi, these roadblocks often translate into "how much will they pay to get out of this?"

And if the fight over the current anticorruption bill in Parliament and the recent hunger strike by activist Anna Hazare are any indicators, the situation is not likely to improve any time soon without the help of hundreds of thousands of Indians?pushing back against the system of bribery where they can.

Mr. Hazare had inspired millions of Indians to protest against corruption this summer, and began a three-day hunger strike this week to press for tougher action against corruption in the country's bureaucracy. His fast aligned with the Indian Parliament negotiating an antigraft bill that would set up an ombudsman's office to investigate embezzling, influence peddling, and other forms of official theft.

However, both the hunger strike and bill have fallen short of their objectives. After a high fever and poor crowd turn out, Hazare called off it off a day early. A compromise bill was approved by Parliament?s lower house Tuesday, and is likely to pass the upper house Wednesday. If it does, it could establish an independent body at the central and state government levels to investigate charges of corruption.

But Hazare and other opposition groups say the bill is weak, and will do little to truly tackle the country?s corruption. Moreover, there is no guarantee that the agency, which is responsible for monitoring this bill, will not itself become corrupt.

According to Transparency International, 54 percent of Indians paid a bribe in the past year, and the organization ranked India 95 out of 183 countries in its Corruption Perception Index for 2011. Given these statistics, winning the daily battle of graft that has bled India of some $128 billion in the past decade is nothing short of herculean.

But a recent encounter with a Delhi traffic cop gave me a little insight into how ordinary citizens can start fighting.

On Christmas Eve, an Indian friend and I were parking, near a packed shopping area, when a cop looking for a little extra cash approached us. Our crime? The tinted windows on my friend?s car were too dark.

Being a hothead from the American South, I was irate as it was clear to me the cop was just looking for money.

However, my friend who is known for his prudence in these kinds of situations had a wiser approach. He simply told the policeman to give him the ticket. The cop paused, and then let him go.

When the cop walked away, I asked my friend why we got out of the ticket.

"You must understand the economics of bribery," he said. "It's Christmas Eve, the place is packed, and it?s high-time for making a quick buck. Every minute counts. In the time it would take him to write me a ticket, he could be making hundreds of rupees."

As India struggles to tackle corruption with new laws and key arrests, ordinary Indians like my friend can make a difference by understanding the system of bribery pushing back where they can.


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U.S. Treasury: China Is Not Manipulating Its Currency

The United States Treasury has decided not to accuse China of manipulating its currency. Instead, the Obama administration acknowledged that the yuan, which is also known as the renminbi, was appreciating but not at an "insufficient" rate.

The AFP report:

"'The real exchange rate of the renminbi (RMB) is persistently misaligned and remains substantially undervalued, though the degree of this undervaluation appears to have declined significantly,' the Treasury said in an annual report to Congress."

"The Treasury said the currency, also called the yuan, had risen 7.5 percent against the dollar in the 18 months since Beijing began allowing a managed appreciation, and by 12 percent if China's high inflation rate is figured in."

The issue of currency manipulation matters, because if China keeps its currency low it means it can sell its goods cheaper in places like the U.S. A cheaper Yuan also makes U.S. goods more expensive.

As the AP reports, "the decision will likely anger unions and Democratic lawmakers, who have accused Beijing of artificially holdings down the value of its currency to gain trade advantages."

Dow Jones News Wire reports that the Treasury had delayed this report, which was due in October, "in the hopes of using global summits as leverage to convince China to let the yuan appreciate more quickly."

Dow Jones says it's no coincidence that the report was released while congress members were on holiday.

Update at 5:20 p.m. ET. More On The Criticism:

As expected, the criticism of the Obama administration's decision has begun. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who is campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, said if elected president he would declare China a currency manipulator on his first day in office, according to the AP.

The Associated Press reports:

"Scott Paul, executive director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, also questioned the decision.

"'I'm disappointed that President Obama has now formally refused six times to cite China for its currency manipulation, a practice which has contributed to the loss of hundreds of thousands of American manufacturing jobs,' Paul said."


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Video: Gingrich supported 'Romneycare'

PBT: Relentless Heat too much for Celtics

PBT: In dispatching the Celtics on Tuesday, Miami looked like a relentless machine. The Heat were two games away from a title and they look better than they did last season. Much better. Which is scary for the other 29 teams.


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The US Has Reportedly Lost Another Drone, This ... - Business Insider

There have been no solid confirmations on this report, but following the loss of a Sentinel RQ-170 drone to Iran and the loss of a second drone in the Seychelles earlier this month, reports are coming out of Afghanistan/Iran that the U.S. has lost another UAV.

PressTV reports that Afghan officials claim the drone crashed in Afghanistan's southeastern province of Paktia.

The news agency also says a statement released by NATO forces Tuesday confirmed the crash, but is calling it an "emergency landing due to technical malfunction."

Spokesman for the Taliban Zabiullah Mujahid claims his group shot the drone from the sky, saying the Taliban have shot down several aircraft over Afghanistan this year.

The BBC Pashto site has a picture of a crashed drone. The site's in Arabic, but check out the picture here.

The?Khaama Press, an online Afghan site, confirms the drone went down due to technical problems and was not shot down by the Taliban.

Since these aren't the most well known and respected news sites, it's probably wise to take the reports with a grain of salt. Just as interesting as the U.S losing another drone is that the claim can now be made, and given the U.S.'s recent record, it's not entirely unbelievable. Regardless, it could be an interesting addition to the propoganda coming out of Iran recently.

Interfax also reports the drone crash via The Voice Of Russia. Interfax is a non-governmental news agency based in Moscow that says the crash occurred near Paktia, and the city of Ahmadabad.?

At 3:15 EDT no major U.S. news agencies have picked up the report.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Synchronous double tumor of breast cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumor in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 1: report of a case.

Bilateral synchronous breast carcinomas followed by a metastasis to the gallbladder: a case report.

Zagouri F, Sergentanis TN, Koulocheri D, Nonni A, Bousiotou A, Domeyer P, Michalopoulos NV, Dardamanis D, Konstadoulakis MM, Zografos GC. World J Surg Oncol. 2007 Sep 11; 5:101. Epub 2007 Sep 11.


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Stock market quiz: Can you predict the market based on the trader's face?

The stock market is a roller coaster, rising and falling hundreds of points, sometimes in a single day. If it's stressful for investors, it wreaks emotional havoc on the traders who work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. As photographers have discovered over the years, the daily story of the stock market can be encapsulated in a single trader's face. Can you tell the market's performance based on the expressions of these traders? Take our 10-question stock market quiz:


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Record Sales In Japan Push 3DS Past 4 Million Mark

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In swing Ohio, Gingrich gaining the "not-Romneys" (AP)

WEST CHESTER, Ohio ? For "Anybody but Romney" Republicans in a key conservative region of Ohio, Newt Gingrich has been picking up support as an alternative to the former Massachusetts governor.

The former House speaker has moved to the top in recent polling in Ohio, just as Republican presidential candidates prepare for the Jan. 3 caucuses in Iowa, followed closely by the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries. Ohio's presidential primary is scheduled for March 6, one of the biggest prizes for Republicans among about a dozen states voting on "Super Tuesday."

Mitt Romney hasn't excited some of the party's staunchest conservatives for reasons that include his past support of abortion rights and enactment of a Massachusetts health care plan that's often compared to President Barack Obama's overhaul.

Some conservatives had flirted with supporting Herman Cain, drawn to his business background and unconventional campaign style. But Cain suspended his campaign this month following allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior and a longtime extramarital affair. Cain's decision and Gingrich's performance in nationally televised debates helped some make up their minds.

"He's sold me," said Dan Keith, 61, of Hamilton. Keith and his wife, Pat, said they are convinced that Gingrich has the experience and savvy to be strong against Obama. "I can't see anybody else coming onto the scene that we would go to."

The Keiths said they were undecided when first interviewed three months ago.

"I think before, people liked the other candidates because they were an alternative to Romney. But I'm hearing more people who like Gingrich as Gingrich," said Bill Langdon, co-owner of the Grand Ole Pub, a popular gathering spot for Republican partisans in West Chester. Langdon had been interested in Cain, but doubted whether Cain could win the presidential nomination.

Gingrich is now his choice. "He's the guy they think can go toe-to-toe with the president," Langdon said.

Sandra Arno, of nearby Springdale, turned out for Cain's visit to West Chester in November and liked what she heard. She was deciding between him and Gingrich before Cain stopped campaigning, and most recently was leaning toward the former speaker.

"I think they're both very intelligent, and I think Newt will be good as the candidate," Arno said.

Republican-dominated suburbs like this one ? home of House Speaker John Boehner ? just north of Cincinnati provide a stronghold of votes in a state that no GOP nominee has ever reached the White House without winning. Their enthusiastic turnout to vote for George W. Bush by 2-to-1 margins in 2004 is credited with delivering Ohio to clinch his re-election. It's important for the Republican nominee to be able to attract big numbers in GOP-oriented suburban and rural regions to offset Democratic urban bastions led by Cleveland.

Ohio could be more crucial to Gingrich than some of his rivals because the former House speaker failed to qualify for Virginia's primary ballot. Gingrich's campaign has said he will pursue an aggressive write-in campaign in Virginia, although state law prohibits write-ins on primary ballots.

The state party said over the weekend that both Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry had failed to submit the required 10,000 signatures to appear on the March 6 ballot. Failing to get on the ballot in Virginia, where Gingrich lives, underscores the difficulty first-time national candidates have in preparing for the long haul of a presidential campaign.

In Ohio, a series of Quinnipiac University polls tracked Gingrich's rise from low single-digits to 36 percent between September and early December. Cain had fallen to 7 percent after leading the pack at 28 percent in October. The sexual harassment allegations against Cain surfaced in late October.

Lori Viars, a conservative activist and anti-abortion leader in Lebanon, predicted that a Romney nomination would keep some Christian evangelicals on the sidelines in November because of concern about his previous positions on issues, led by abortion. Some in her crowd ? Viars is among them ? might also hesitate over Gingrich's personal history, which includes two divorces and acknowledged marital infidelity.

"Newt makes a lot of sense," Viars said. "But everyone makes mistakes, and he certainly is right on a lot of issues."

Several of those who have come around to Gingrich say they're not put off by his personal past.

"Would I want him as marriage counselor? No," said Keith. "But that's not what we're electing."

Keith's wife thinks Gingrich's candidacy is on firmer ground because he's already undergone years of scrutiny.

"They've already raked him over the coals pretty good," Pat Keith said.

Other Republican activists say it's still too soon to pick a candidate in a state where there has been little campaigning, and with the GOP field likely to be smaller by the time of Ohio's primary in March.

This region of Ohio is home to some of the nation's first tea party groups, and a number of activists are loyal to Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who has attracted a band of followers with libertarian-minded calls to bring home U.S. troops and keep the government out of personal decisions.

Cincinnati tea party leader Mike Wilson, though, is "watching and waiting."

Wilson's favorite candidate was Tim Pawlenty, the former Minnesota governor who dropped out in August. Wilson doesn't share the worry about Romney becoming the nominee. He also said a respectable Iowa finish by Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann or Texas Gov. Rick Perry could give either of those conservative favorites some traction heading into the contests that follow.

Wilson said Romney can defeat Obama and would work with a Republican-controlled House, should it stay in GOP hands.

"I think we know who the ultimate opponent is ? Barack Obama," Wilson said. "With John Boehner as speaker, I think Romney will sign a lot of Republican legislation over the next four years."


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Monday, December 26, 2011

N. California family loses gifts, dog in burglary

? A Northern California family victimized in a burglary a few days before Christmas is hoping to at least get its dog back.

The Lancers lost all of the presents under the tree along with their dog when their Morgan Hill home was broken into last week, authorities said Sunday.

"It's a very unfortunate thing that somebody would steal from a family, especially at this time of year," said Santa Clara County sheriff's Sgt. Jose Cardoza.

Attempts by The Associated Press on Sunday to reach the family were unsuccessful, but Chris Lancer made an emotional Christmas Eve appeal on KNTV, pleading for the return of the family's dog.

"Bring the dog back, please," he said. "It's my daughter's dog. I won't say nothing if you just bring the dog back."

The family returned home Wednesday evening and found the front and back doors open and several gifts, worth about $600 missing, as well as the family pet, Cardoza said.

Cardoza did not know the breed of the dog or its age, but described it as a "small dog."

No suspects have been identified, but investigators were able to gather fingerprints from the home. The prints will be sent to a lab for analysis this week, Cardoza said.

The Associated Press


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Japan's PM reaches out to China on North Korea (AP)

BEIJING ? Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda reached out Sunday for China's help on dealing with North Korea and promoting stability in the closed country after the death of longtime leader Kim Jong Il.

Noda's first official visit to Beijing would normally have centered on bilateral issues, such as squabbles over islands claimed by both countries, but the death of Kim on Dec. 17 and the announcement of his son Kim Jong Un as the country's "supreme leader" has shifted the focus.

Noda, the first foreign leader to meet with China's leaders since Kim's death, emphasized the need to get stalled six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program back on track.

"We are currently facing a new situation in East Asia," Noda told reporters after mentioning Kim's death.

"On this issue, it is very timely to exchange views with the host of the six-party talks and the country with the most influence on North Korea," he said, referring to China. "Safeguarding the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula is in the common interest of our two countries."

Noda was speaking before meeting with his counterpart, Wen Jiabao. He meets with President Hu Jintao on Monday before returning home. His visit to China was planned before Kim's death was announced Dec. 19.

The six-party talks, which also include the two Koreas, the United States and Russia, are aimed at disarming North Korea of its nuclear capability. Pyongyang walked out on the talks in 2009 ? and exploded a second nuclear-test device ? but now wants to re-engage.

Last year, Pyongyang was blamed for two military attacks on South Korea that heightened tensions on the peninsula.

Noda, who came to power in September, met with Hu in November on the sidelines of an Asian-Pacific regional meeting in Hawaii.

Japan does not have diplomatic relations with North Korea, while China is the impoverished country's most important supporter and supplies it with food aid and much of its energy resources.

Noda also is expected to discuss the possibility of renting pandas for a zoo in Sendai to help cheer up the northern Japanese region as it recovers from the earthquake and tsunami disasters in March.

Japan and China have a list of sensitive topics they are trying to make progress on, including fights over islands and energy disputes in the East China Sea, and the recent arrests of Chinese fishermen Japan says have been illegally fishing in its waters.

Noda and Wen noted that 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between their countries, and said both nations want to improve relations to mark that occasion.

Officials from both countries also signed memorandums of understanding on youth exchanges and setting up a clean energy and environmental protection investment fund.


Associated Press writers Gillian Wong in Beijing and Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo contributed to this report.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

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Google becomes the Clark Griswold of the internet with 'Jingle Bells' doodle

Having conquered so many aspects of the software world, it's time for Google to take the next logical step in its evolution: becoming that annoying neighbor who always goes a bit overboard each year with the Christmas display. This time out, Google's doodle lets you play five bars of "Jingle Bells" manually, bringing down the lights and finishing up the song with a full-on holiday light show. Check it out, but don't blame us if your computer blows a fuse.

Google becomes the Clark Griswold of the internet with 'Jingle Bells' doodle originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 24 Dec 2011 14:05:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wal-Mart pulls formula after baby dies in Missouri

This photo provided Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, by the Holman Howe Funeral Home, shows Avery Cornett of Lebanon, Mo., who died Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011. Federal health agencies are testing samples of liquid and powdered infant formula and some distilled water used to prepare the powder by the Missouri parents of a 10-day-old boy who died from an apparent bacterial infection. Cornett died Sunday night after he was fed Enfamil Newborn powder bought at a Walmart store in Lebanon, Mo. The store has stopped selling the product, and the company pulled a batch of the infant formula from more than 3,000 of its stores nationwide. (AP Photo/Holman Howe Funeral Home)

This photo provided Thursday, Dec. 22, 2011, by the Holman Howe Funeral Home, shows Avery Cornett of Lebanon, Mo., who died Sunday, Dec. 18, 2011. Federal health agencies are testing samples of liquid and powdered infant formula and some distilled water used to prepare the powder by the Missouri parents of a 10-day-old boy who died from an apparent bacterial infection. Cornett died Sunday night after he was fed Enfamil Newborn powder bought at a Walmart store in Lebanon, Mo. The store has stopped selling the product, and the company pulled a batch of the infant formula from more than 3,000 of its stores nationwide. (AP Photo/Holman Howe Funeral Home)

FILE - This photo taken Nov. 14, 2011, shows the rain-soaked handle of a shopping cart outside the Wal-Mart store in Mayfield Hts. Wal-Mart has pulled a batch of powdered infant formula from more than 3,000 of its stores nationwide after a newborn Missouri boy who was given the formula became gravely ill with a suspected bacterial infection and died after being taken off life support, the retailer said Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta, File)

(AP) ? Wal-Mart and health officials awaited tests Thursday on a batch of powdered infant formula that was removed from more than 3,000 stores nationwide after a Missouri newborn who consumed it apparently died from a rare infection.

The source of the bacteria that caused the infection has not been determined, but it occurs naturally in the environment and in plants such as wheat and rice. The most worrisome appearances have been in dried milk and powdered formula, which is why manufacturers routinely test for the germs.

Wal-Mart pulled the Enfamil Newborn formula from shelves as a precaution following the death of little Avery Cornett in the southern Missouri town of Lebanon.

The formula has not been recalled, and the manufacturer said tests showed the batch was negative for the bacteria before it was shipped. Additional tests were under way.

"We decided it was best to remove the product until we learn more," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Dianna Gee said. "It could be returned to the shelves."

Customers who bought formula in 12.5-ounce cans with the lot number ZP1K7G have the option of returning them for a refund or exchange, Gee said.

The product is not exclusive to Wal-Mart. The manufacturer, Mead Johnson Nutrition, declined to answer questions about whether formula from that batch was distributed to other stores.

"We're highly confident in the safety and quality of our products," said Christopher Perille, a spokesman for the company based in the Chicago suburb of Glenview.

A second infant fell ill late last month after consuming several different types of powdered baby formula, but that child recovered, health officials said.

Powdered infant formula is not sterile, and experts have said there are not adequate methods to completely remove or kill all bacteria that might creep into formula before or during production.

Preliminary hospital tests indicated that Avery died of a rare infection caused by bacteria known as Cronobacter sakazakii. The infection can be treated with antibiotics, but it's deemed extremely dangerous to babies less than 1 month old and those born premature.

The bacteria are "pervasive in the environment," Perille said. "There's a whole range of potential sources on how this infection may have got started."

A spokeswoman for the Food and Drug Administration said the agency is investigating the death, along with the Centers for Disease Control and the Missouri Department of Health. Investigators have collected samples from the family and are testing unopened formula purchased at stores.

Siobhan Delancey said the FDA gets four to six reports a year of infant infections related to formula and has not found a powder that tested positive since 2002.

The FDA is also investigating the other case of illness, which involved a baby from Illinois whose case was reported in neighboring Missouri. But the agency does not believe there is any connection between the two, Delancey said.

Public health investigators will look at the formula itself, as well as the water used in preparing it and at anything else the baby might have ingested, Perille said.

Only two to three cases a year are reported. New Mexico saw two in 2008, including one infant who died and another who suffered severe brain damage. A Tennessee infant died in 2001 after being infected.

It could be several days before test results are available.

The family submitted two types of infant formula for testing ? the powdered version and a pre-sterilized, ready-to-eat liquid ? as well as the distilled water used to prepare the powdered product.

"We're just trying to test anything that was consumed by the baby," Laclede County Health Director Charla Baker said.

Avery was taken to a pediatrician Dec. 15 ? a week after he was born ? after showing signs of stomach pain and lethargy. When the pain persisted the next day, his parents took him to an emergency room.

He died Sunday at a hospital in Springfield after being removed from life support.

The Missouri Department of Health advised parents to follow safety guidelines for preparing powdered infant formula, including washing hands, sterilizing all feeding equipment in hot, soapy water and preparing enough formula for only one feeding at a time.

A flood of calls from worried parents prompted Missouri officials to clarify that the formula pulled by Wal-Mart is not being provided to participants in the Women, Infants and Children federal program for low-income parents.


Associated Press Medical Writer Mike Stobbe in Atlanta contributed to this report.


Alan Scher Zagier can be reached at .

Associated Press


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The Greatest Gabfest in the History of the Earth

Dave Weigel?s Slate blog post on the House Republicans? agreement to the two-month payroll tax cut extension.
A Bloomberg BusinessWeek article reporting on Mitch McConnell?s call for an appointed bipartisan committee to resolve the long-term payroll tax problem.
An NPR interview with Representative David Dreier on the payroll tax cut extension.
A National Review editorial endorsing anyone but Newt Gingrich.
The latest CNN/ORC poll finding that only 35 percent of Republicans will definitely support the candidate they currently like and that 43 percent of Republicans would never support Ron Paul.
Dave Weigel?s Slate blog post on Ron Paul?s controversial newsletters.
Dahlia Lithwick?s Slate piece explaining why Newt Gingrich?s campaign against federal judges is ill-advised.
Eric Posner?s Slate piece on liberal scholars who agree with Gingrich?s assessment of the judiciary.
The Supreme Court?s decision on Bush v. Gore.
Barry Friedman?s book on public opinion and the Supreme Court, The Will of the People.

John chatters about the deal on the payroll tax cut that has a provision for small businesses.

Emily chatters about Adam Johnson?s novel about life in North Korea, The Orphan-Master?s Son and a Texas Monthly piece questioning the validity of the conviction of a mother accused of murdering her son.

David chatters about Mitt Romney?s claim that America is ?the greatest nation in the history of the earth.?

The email address for the Political Gabfest is (Email may be quoted by name unless the writer stipulates otherwise.)

Podcast production by Andrew Bouv? and Dale Willman. Links compiled by Aviva Shen. Executive Producer: Andy Bowers.


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Judge tosses lawsuit over Jimmy Kimmel sketch (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? A New York court has dismissed a lawsuit by a man dubbed the "Flying Rabbi" against TV network ABC and late-night talk show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" over its use of the man's image in a parody involving basketball star LeBron James.

At a taping for the ABC show on August 10, 2010, host Kimmel told audiences that James had met with Rabbi Yishayahu Yosef Pinto to seek "business advice" -- a meeting which had in fact occurred that month, according to the website TMZ.

Kimmel then told the audience he too met with Pinto, and he showed a video of himself in a car talking with an individual dressed in Jewish religious clothing and speaking in a different language.

In fact, Kimmel never spoke with Pinto. The footage of the conversation was assembled using a video of Kimmel in his car spliced together with footage of the plaintiff, Brooklyn, New York's David Sondik, taken from a series of YouTube videos showing Sondik greeting people on the street and talking animatedly. The videos refer to Sondik as the "flying rabbi."

Sondik, described as a "neighborhood character" by his attorney Robert Tolchin, objected to the show's use of his image. He sued in December 2010 accusing the Kimmel show of falsely presenting him as Pinto and failing to seek his permission before turning him into the butt of the joke.

Because "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is produced and filmed in California, Sondik sued under California law -- which recognizes a common-law right to sue based on an invasion of a person's right to privacy.

But in a ruling December 14, Justice David Schmidt disagreed and dismissed the suit, holding that it must be brought under New York law because Sondik lives in New York and the alleged injury took place in the state. New York law does not recognize common-law actions based on violations of privacy or publicity rights, Schmidt noted.

In his ruling Schmidt also said New York law allows unauthorized use of an individual's image for "newsworthy events or matters of public interest."

" review of the DVD of the segment supplied by defendants demonstrates that the clip of plaintiff at issue was used as a part of a comedic (or at least an attempted comedic) or satiric parody of Lebron James' meeting with Rabbi Pinto, itself undoubtedly an event that was newsworthy or of public interest," Schmidt wrote.

The judge also dismissed Sondik's claims of defamation against Kimmel.

"Even though plaintiff is not a public figure, there is no allegation in the complaint or inference that can be drawn from the DVD suggesting that the use of plaintiff's clip was mean-spirited or intended to injure such that its use would be excluded from First Amendment protection," Schmidt wrote.

Tolchin said his client intended to appeal the ruling that Kimmel's use was protected by the "newsworthiness" of the James story.

"A story about LeBron James and Rabbi Pinto is perfectly valid, you can put that on the news," Tolchin told Reuters in an interview. "But my client is a private citizen. Jimmy Kimmel took my client's image and said it was Rabbi Pinto, which he isn't. That's a lie."

"My client was the butt of the joke and made to look like a fool in front of millions of people," Tolchin said.

Calls to an attorney and a network representative for "Jimmy Kimmel Live" were not immediately returned Wednesday.

(Reporting by Jessica Dye; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte)

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Qaddafi's death: Will the ICC launch a war-crimes investigation?

International Criminal Court prosecutor Ocampo is asking the UN for authority to investigate the death Libyan leader Qaddafi as a war crime.

The killing of former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi may have been a war crime, says the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno-Ocampo.

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Captured by Libyan rebels outside his hometown of Sirte on Oct. 20, Qaddafi was killed by a mob of National Transitional Council soldiers and put on display in a freezer room in Misurata, as proof that he had been killed.

The circumstances of Qaddafi?s death raise ?serious suspicions? that he may have been killed in custody, which is a violation of international law, Mr. Ocampo told the United Nations, in requesting the authority to investigate.

?The death of Muammar Gadhafi is one of the issues to be clarified ? what happened ? because there are serious suspicions that it was a war crime,? Moreno Ocampo said.

Reuters news agency quoted Ocampo as saying:

"I think that's a very important issue. We are raising this concern to the national authorities and they are preparing a plan to have a comprehensive strategy to investigate all these crimes."

What makes this case important to watch, besides the legal procedures and the outcome, is the way in which this case is perceived in the 54 capital cities of Africa. Since its inception in 2002, the International Criminal Court has only arrested and put on trial African suspects, from the Congolese warlord Thomas Lubunga to Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo to the six Kenyan leaders accused of orchestrating post-election violence in 2008. ICC charges have also been lodged against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for crimes committed during the counterinsurgency in Darfur, although no country has complied with ICC requests for his arrest.

For skeptics, the ICC is a rich man?s court to try poor men. When an African leader launches a war that kills thousands, he is taken to The Hague, skeptics say. Why don?t Western leaders like George W. Bush ? who also launched wars that killed thousands, and who authorized ?enhanced interrogation techniques? of terror suspects in US custody ? also get prosecuted at the ICC? ?


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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Grammy-winning singer Cesaria Evora dies at age 70

Cesaria Evora, who started singing as a teenager in the bayside bars of Cape Verde in the 1950s and won a Grammy in 2003 after she took her African islands music to stages across the world, died Saturday. She was 70.

Evora, known as the "Barefoot Diva" because she always performed without shoes, died in the Baptista de Sousa Hospital in Mindelo, on her native island of Sao Vicente in Cape Verde, her label Lusafrica said in a statement on its website. It gave no further details.

Evora retired in September because of health problems. In recent years she had had several operations, including open-heart surgery last year.

She sang the traditional music of the Cape Verde Islands off West Africa, a former Portuguese colony. She mostly sang in the version of creole spoken there, but even audiences who couldn't understand the lyrics were moved by her stirring renditions, her unpretentious manner and the music's infectious beat.

Her singing style brought comparisons to American jazz singer Billie Holiday. "She belongs to the aristocracy of bar singers," French newspaper Le Monde said in 1991, adding that Evora had "a voice to melt the soul."

Evora's international fame came late in life. Her 1988 album "La Diva Aux Pieds Nus" ("Barefoot Diva"), recorded in France where she first found popularity, launched her international career.

Her 1995 album "Cesaria" was released in more than a dozen countries and brought her first Grammy nomination, leading to a tour of major concert halls around the world and album sales in the millions.

She won a Grammy in the World Music category of the 2003 awards for her album "Voz D'Amor".

Evora, known to her close friends as Cize (pronounced see-ZEH), was the best-known performer of "morna," Cape Verde's national music. It is a complex, soulful sound, mixing an array of influences arising from the African and seafaring traditions of the 10 volcanic islands.

Evora was born Aug. 27, 1941, and grew up in Mindelo, a port city of 47,000 people on the island of Sao Vicente, where sailors from Europe, America, Africa and Asia mingled in what was a lively cosmopolitan town with a fabled nightlife.

The local musical style borrowed from those cultures, defying attempts to classify it.

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"Our music is a lot of things," Evora told The Associated Press in a 2000 interview at her home. "Some say it's like the blues, or jazz. Others says it's like Brazilian or African music, but no one really knows. Not even the old ones."

Evora was 7 years old when her father died, leaving a widow and seven children. At 10, with her mother unable to make ends meet, she was placed in an orphanage.

"I didn't like it. I value my freedom," she told the AP.

At 16, when Evora was doing piecework as a seamstress, a friend persuaded her to sing in one of the many sailors' taverns in her town. As her popularity grew, she was also rowed out into the bay to sing on anchored ships.

She received no pay ? just free drinks. She used to smile when she recalled her fame as a heavy cognac drinker. And she sadly recalled the exact day ? Dec. 15, 1994 ? she had to give up drinking for her health's sake.

Evora didn't think much of her international stardom and she went back to Mindelo whenever she could. She rebuilt her childhood home, turning it into a 10-bedroom house where friends and family often stayed over, and she always made sure she was home for Christmas.

A heavy smoker for decades, Evora was diagnosed with heart problems in 2005. She suffered strokes in 2008 and in September 2011, when she announced she was retiring.

She had a son and a daughter by different men but never married. Family details were not immediately available.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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NASA Backs Away from Imposing Controls on Commercial Crew Program (ContributorNetwork)

Alan Boyle of MSNBC reports that NASA has at the last minute revised its approach to the next phase of the commercial crew program, designed to develop private space craft to service the International Space Station through government subsidies.

NASA had planned, according to a proposed Commercial Crew Integrated Design Contract, to exert a great deal of control over the design of the commercial vehicles that would carry astronauts to and from the International Space Station. However, thanks in large part due to lack of funding, the space agency will retain the relatively hands off approach it has employed for the cargo spacecraft being developed thus far.

How has NASA conducted the Commercial Orbital Transportation Systems program?

Under the COTS program, first initiated under President George W. Bush, NASA provided guidelines for the development of commercial cargo spacecraft. Certain milestones in the development and testing of these spacecraft were defined. Subsidy money was paid out once NASA had determined that each milestone was achieved. The advantage of this approach, which was stipulated as a Space Act Agreement, was that the commercial space companies retained flexibility over how they achieved each milestone, with NASA providing over all guidance.

How did NASA propose changing this arrangement for the crewed phase?

NASA proposed to exert a far greater control over the design and development of commercial spacecraft during the crewed phase. Designs would have to be approved by NASA. NASA would reserve to itself the ability to demand more testing at each milestone as it saw fit. To implement this new arrangement, hugely time consuming and expensive auditing requirements would be imposed. NASA would embed teams of its own employees to oversee the development of the crewed commercial spacecraft.

The commercial space companies and commercial space advocates chaffed at this proposed new arrangement. They maintained that it would result in unnecessary expense and would consume too much time. NASA responded that the new approach was necessary to ensure crew safety.

What changed?

Congress appropriated less than half of the Obama administration's request for commercial crew. NASA subsequently decided that it lacked the money to impose the arrangement dictated by the Commercial Crew Integrated Design Contract. The space agency has therefore chosen to retain the Space Act Agreement approach for the crewed phase. Currently, the first commercial crew flights to the ISS are scheduled for 2017.

What has been the political reaction to the revision?

Both Rep, Ralph Hall, the chairman of the House Science Committee, and the ranking member, Rep. Bernice Johnson, have expressed skepticism, citing concerns for crew safety. Both the Space Access Society and the Commercial Spaceflight Federation look upon the NASA decision with favor, however.

Mark R. Whittington is the author of Children of Apollo and The Last Moonwalker. He has written on space subjects for a variety of periodicals, including The Houston Chronicle, The Washington Post, USA Today, the L.A. Times and The Weekly Standard.


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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Researchers urge caution when buying noisy toys

ScienceDaily (Dec. 16, 2011) ? While Road Rippers Lightning Rods, Let's Rock Elmo and the I Am T-Pain musical microphone might be sought-after gifts this holiday season, parents should ensure that their children don't risk permanent hearing damage by misusing them.

Researchers from UC Irvine's Department of Otolaryngology measured the noise levels of two dozen popular toys in stores and purchased the 10 loudest for precise gauging in a soundproof booth at UC Irvine Medical Center. They found that all exceeded 90 decibels and several reached 100 or more, equivalent to the noise of a chain saw, subway train or power mower.

"Generally, toys are safe if used properly," said Dr. Hamid Djalilian, associate professor of otolaryngology and director of neurotology and skull base surgery. "We tested the sound levels at the speaker and again at 12 inches, which is about the length of a toddler's arm."

But problems can arise if a noisy toy is held too close to the ears, he said: "Children are very sensitive to loud and high-pitched sounds. Unfortunately, hearing loss from noise damage is permanent and not currently curable."

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, unprotected exposure to sounds above 85 decibels for a prolonged period can lead to hearing impairment. Two factors contribute to this, Djalilian noted: loudness and duration. The louder a sound is, the less time it takes to cause hearing loss.

He suggested that someone buying a noisy toy for a child pay attention to the speaker's location -- under the item is often better than on top. Djalilian also recommended that an adult hold the toy as a youngster would and listen to its sound. "If it hurts your ears," he said, "then it's probably too loud for a child."

Toys tested / Decibel level at the speaker / Decibel level 12 inches from the speaker:

  • Road Rippers Lightning Rods / 108 / 68
  • I Am T-Pain microphone / 101 / 64
  • Tonka Mighty Motorized Fire Truck / 100 / 69
  • Marvel Super Shield Captain America / 98 / 69
  • Whac-A-Mole game / 95 / 69
  • Tapz electronic reflex game / 95 / 65
  • Sesame Street Let's Rock Elmo / 95 / 74
  • VTech Magical Learning Wand / 94 / 69
  • Toy Story Buzz Lightyear Cosmic Blaster / 93 / 60
  • Green Lantern Colossal Cannon / 92 / 67

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - Irvine.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Clarification: Military Jet-Crash story (AP)

SAN DIEGO ? In a story Dec. 14 on a lawsuit over a military jet crash that killed four people in 2008, The Associated Press reported that a Marine pilot who bailed out of his fighter jet over a San Diego neighborhood had been advised to make a potentially safer landing at a nearby Navy base over open water. Federal air traffic controllers and a military officer on a Navy aircraft carrier told the pilot to land at North Island in Coronado. Officers at Miramar Air Station, including the squadron's commanding officer, cleared the pilot to go to the inland base.


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Conrad Murray too poor to fund appeal

Michael Jackson's doctor on Tuesday asked for a publicly-funded lawyer to handle his appeal on a manslaughter conviction in the pop star's death, saying he could not afford to pay for one himself.

Dr. Conrad Murray, serving a four-year jail term for the involuntary manslaughter of Jackson in 2009, filed papers with Los Angeles Superior Court saying he was unable to fund his legal help any longer.

"The defendant is indigent and respectfully requests the appointment of counsel on appeal," the court papers said.

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Murray said he wished to appeal both his conviction and his sentence but so far has not filed formal papers with the California appeals court.

The 58-year-old cardiologist had hired two lawyers for his six-week trial, but he was convicted in November of involuntary manslaughter, or gross negligence, after admitting he gave the "Thriller" singer nightly doses of the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep.

MORE from E!: Jackson family reacts to Conrad Murray's dwindling jail sentence

Murray's previous attorney J. Michael Flanagan is outraged at the doctor's treatment in the slammer, telling E! News that "it is crazy and unbelievable how [the sheriffs] are treating" Murray in jail.

Flanagan said that after waiting for over an hour to visit the doctor Monday, Murray arrived with his feet and hands cuffed, and was then handcuffed to the table for their meeting. "I've never seen something like this before," for someone serving for this particular crime, the attorney told E! News.

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He also adds that Murray's cell is next to a member that is in jail for gang murder.

Flanagan also explained to E! News that he doesn't handle appeals and that is why he isn't representing Murray in this process. He said he has offered advice about whom Murray should have represent him, but said, "Whoever does it has a big undertaking" with all the evidence involved.

Jackson, 50, died on June 25, 2009 of an overdose of propofol and sedatives, just weeks before a series of planned comeback concerts.

Reuters and E! Online contributed to this report.


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Thursday, December 15, 2011

This is not an official Verizon Galaxy Nexus announcement

Verizon Galaxy Nexus announcement

With all due respect to the Mobile Generation Verizon retailer in Bloomington, Minn., we're pretty sure the Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus hasn't actually been announced yet. And we're pretty sure when it is, it won't be done with the GSM version shown in the pictures. Stay tuned, folks. We're sure it'll happen soon.

Source: Facebook; thanks, @andrew_53517


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